Specialty coffees, teas and other local brews can provide a sweet buzz between classes for students looking for a boost. Athens boasts many cafes featuring cool drinks — some well-known and others small and local. Here are some of our favorite ways to beat the heat.
1000 Faces New Orleans style iced coffee — Whole milk, syrup and coffee, which has soaked for 12 hours, create this beverage, served in an eco-friendly plastic cup. This creamy and sweet blend has a slightly stronger flavor than coffee ice cream — creating a satisfying drink without a bitter aftertaste. Because of its smooth and creamy consistency, this drink disappears quickly. And at $3 for a cup, it won’t break your wallet.
Jittery Joe’s iced coffee — Jittery Joe’s offers a more potent and stronger flavored iced coffee that requires slow drinking. This is coffee, not dessert. With a half-shot of cream and a few swirls of syrup to mellow its flavor, this iced coffee is enjoyable to drink, but not too quickly. Its caffeine surge rivals that of a regular hot coffee. Ice dilutes the drink a little, but it does not dull the caffeine’s effects.
Espresso Royale’s iced toddy — This iced toddy has a same to slightly stronger feel when compared to Jittery Joe’s. The drink, though similar to the first two drinks, did not taste as sweet when combined with cream and sugar because of the coffee’s robust flavor. This drink needs some altering to tone down its bitterness.
Clocked’s watermelon lemonade — For those seeking a cool non-caffeinated beverage, Clocked serves watermelon lemonade which offers a well-balanced and creative combination of sweet, tart and tangy flavors. This drink provides a refreshing and hydrating break from highly-caffeinated iced coffees, and its ingredients — particularly watermelon — blend perfectly with the season.